Soon Google will launch encryption (SSL) in local domains (,,, etc..).
Despite this safety, is only active when we are within our Google account, this will lead to more confidence, more privacy and security in the searches.
All this security is welcome, at a time when Google starts giving more relevance and privacy to the user and group of people in your network (Google +) and since he is often not aware of a variety of network web attacks, identity theft or fraudulent use.
But for a marketer, does he have some kind og advantage will with all this security? Although there are alternatives to Google Analytics, this is still a very useful tool for managing a site.
Some time ago, Google reported that it will not provide information about the keywords that brought a user to visit a particular site, now supports with encryption SSL (https), but all this security can be "manipulated". Beiing an advertiser you will still have all the keywords available. The question remains: What is the difference in the protection of search among a normal user and an advertiser? Well ... they pay... simple.
Google indicated that the impact will be less with this change so that the keywords must appear to those not logged in by Gmail, but with the integration of all Google services, the advantages that the user have being logged in, this number will grow exponentially. It is not yet known whether this change will affect Google Analytics Premium.
With this policy, Google is becoming not only more secure and safer but is giving a competitive advantage in PPC segment.
For now we can always count on the top of the main words in Webmaster Tools and Bing, who has not followed in the footsteps of Google.
We may draw the conclusion that Google will distinguish even more between user and advertisers.
Google Encrypted Search - HTTPS
Publicada por ama-fitness em 7:09 PM 0 comentários
New privacy policy on Google SEO
In March 1º Google will implement the new policy. This consists in the integration of all google products that will be more accurate, more personalized and much more user oriented.
This step was made for the interest of user, and try to find what is more relevant for then (rumors saying that they will actualy tell you if you'r late for work based on you location and your calendar...).
Since all the Google products will be seen as one, your searches in Google will reflect the searches on youtube. So if you search for [jaguar] on Google the results are basicaly the same as if you search [jaguar] on you tube. All this happend if you'r logged on your Google account.
Does this affect SEO? Well, for my point of view...yes.
First, we must not be logged on for our results be more precise and don't "mining" the SERP's.
Second, user's don't tend to refine refine searches very much, they usualy stick to what firts pages gets, so more useful pages (and with a good optimization) may be left behind.
Third, when you search for some restaurante you can get information from a friend ( Goolge +) first and not the actual restaurante.
Most of the personalized content are here since 2005, now they introduce (Google +) on it and make you one giant client for them to study.
One other aspect is the "remarketing" of ADS. Goole can advertise you even when you'r in a non-Google website and not log on. This isn't based on what you search for but with a anonymous cookie tagged on an advertising site.
So, what does it mean?. If i search [buy car] in Google, you can start to see more Ads related to your search even if you'r not on a Google site but sites that carry Google Ads.
Finding the "opt-out" for this is no easy task but you can find it here.
There's a disable button too for Google + for them not to take relevance on your searches here.
Although remarketing has nothing to do with privacy policy. Even if you never create a google account retargeting happends through anonymous cookies.
So, if you don't bother with none of that, you will see more and more friends on search results...or simply.."unfriend" them.
Publicada por ama-fitness em 12:31 PM 0 comentários
The "Don´t Be Evil" Tool
Soon Goole will release the "Search Plus your World" "thing" in any language (for now only in .com), that consist in integrating social in your search results. For ex. if you search for "movies" it will give more relevant results for users (showing or hiding personal results if you want...).
But what it really does is giving more relevance to Google + profiles and NOT the most relevant for that particulary search.This Tool (yes it's safe and very easy to install ) will give you more relevant and updated content search focusing on user. What it means is if you have a Twitter account that have more updates than a Google + profile, is that account that will prevail). The companies behind the tool (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace)want to show that it really can be possible a better and more accurate content.
Goole must do what we expect it to do, relevant, accurate, and updated content not injecting Google + pages as the most relevant.
Google + can be a great product, but Google must give him a "fair trial"
Publicada por ama-fitness em 1:03 AM 0 comentários
Google + mais integrado no motor de busca
Cada vez mais a google tem integrado as suas aplicações no motor de busca e com o google + não é exceção.
O que vai mudar então? Segundo o Google a pesquisa ficará mais integrada com os seus círculos, mostrando, por exemplo, as fotos que seus amigos compartilham no Picasa e também os posts que são colocados no Google+.
Outra coisa que muda é a pesquisa de pessoas, agora quando você pesquisar por alguém o Google mostrará perfis do Plus permitindo também que essa pessoa seja adicionada ao circulo.
Publicada por ama-fitness em 3:48 PM 0 comentários